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careers site AI chatbot.

We help you to launch your own “AI powered” careers site chatbot to engage jobseekers. 🤖

The very best candidates are also those with the most pre-application questions. What % of jobseekers browsing your careers site go onto apply?

deliver an engaging experience

provide more information

gather more high value applications

low cost SME friendly solution

Enquire now

how it works.

AI technology enables us to build a great candidate experience for all chatbot users. We design your chatbot to only answer questions they can confidently answer. We restrict them to only using the information you put into your “dataset” as the basis for answering all questions.


our dataset
collection programme.

The key challenge is gathering all your content together into a “dataset” that the chatbot uses to answer questions. Think about some of the questions candidates ask you. Some of the answers to these questions are available in documents and policies (e.g. holiday allowance, pension etc) whilst others are locked in the heads of hiring managers (e.g. how their team functions, etc).

This is why our team here at hireful, have designed a programme to walk you through, helping us to gather information from you and work with your hiring managers to produce a high quality dataset for the chatbot to use.

do I need a chatbot?

If your jobs generate a few dozen applicants per month, then you might not have the volume to warrant a chatbot. But for employers seeing 100+ applicants per month, just think how many high quality jobseekers go to your existing careers site to find out more about you as an employer?

Even the best careers sites are unlikely to answer many of the questions a jobseeker might have. This results in more enquiries into your recruitment team or even worse jobseekers who choose not to apply. An AI powered chatbot helps your jobseekers quickly get to the answers they need and work out whether they are or are not a good fit for your organisation.

how easy is it to manage my chatbot?

We provide you a management portal where you can see all the conversations that are taking place. By checking in on a few conversations, you have peace of mind that your chatbot is delivering a great experience. 

As your organisation evolves, the information in your knowledge base will need updating. This is super simple process of just uploading a new document or linking to a new link with the relevant information. Your management portal also provides you access to your analytics. So you can see how many jobseekers are engaging with your chatbot and see their satisfaction rates. Any questions, and our friendly support team is on hand to help.


sounds expensive...

For many of our customers, their careers site chatbot will cost less than a penny per conversation.

organisation size

up to 500 staff

501 - 1,000 staff

1,000 - 5,000 staff

over 5,000 staff

set up fee





annual licensing fee*





* Discounts available to hireful customers, speak to your Account Manager for more details.

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